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Lot #401 | Year: 1928
Scott: 286 Edifil: N87 Used on First Fight from Manzanillo to Cayo Mambi.
Lot #402 | Year: 1928
Scott: 286, 288 Edifil: N138 Used on First Flight from Cayo Mambi to Guantanamo.
Lot #403 | Year: 1928
Scott: 286, 276 Used on registered mail to New York.
Lot #404 | Year: 1928
Scott: C1 Edifil: E23 (50.00€) Used on First Flight from Habana to Miami. FAM #6
Lot #405 | Year: 1928
Scott: C2 Edifil: N2 (35.00€) Used on First Flight from Santiago to Habana.
Lot #406 | Year: 1928
Scott: C3 Edifil: N3 Used on First Flight from Habana to Santiago.
Lot #407 | Year: 1929
Scott: 295, 296 Edifil: N112 Used on First Flight from Guantanamo to Cienfuegos
Lot #408 | Year: 1929
Scott: 296 Edifil: N124 Used on First Flight from Guantanamo to Antilla.
Lot #409 | Year: 1930
Scott: 304a ($50.00) Booklet pane unused never hinged with original gum.
Lot #410 | Year: 1930
Scott: 309a Stamp from booklet pane of 50. Used.
Lot #411 | Year: 1931
Scott: C4 Edifil: E30 Used on First Flight from Habana to Bahamas. FAM #4.
Lot #412 | Year: 1931
Scott: C5 Edifil: E31 Used on First Flight from Habana to Canada. FAM #4.
Lot #413 | Year: 1931
Scott: C6 Edifil: E38 Used on First Flight from Habana to Managua. FAM #5
Lot #414 | Year: 1931
Scott: C7 Edifil: E64 (100.00€) Used on First Flight from Camaguay to St. John.
Lot #415 | Year: 1931
Scott: C12 Edifil: H13 Used on First Flight from Habana to Cayo Mambi..
Lot #416 | Year: 1931
Scott: C5 Edifil: E62 (50.00€) Used on First Flight cover (Sarrias 1931ff60).
Lot #417 | Year: 1930
Scott: 300, 284 Edifil: N92 (100.00€) Used on First Flight cover (Sarrias 1932ff39).
Lot #418 | Year: 1933
Scott: 314, 284 Used on registered mail to USA.
Lot #419 | Year: 1935
Scott: C16 Used on letter to New York.
Lot #420 | Year: 1936
Scott: 324, 325, 327, 328, 330 Unused imperforate blocks pf four for five of the values. Never hinged with some tropical stain.
Lot #421 | Year: 1937
Scott: 337-339 ($4.50) Set unused lightly hinged with original gum.
Lot #422 | Year: 1937
Scott: 340-353, C24-9, E10-11 ($445.00) Edifil: 305CH-327CH (800.00€) Missing Scott 354, otherwise rare set. Light hinge on one stamp of one block, else MNH with original gum.
Lot #423 | Year: 1937
Scott: 340-353, C24-9, E10-11 ($380.00) Edifil: 305CH-327CH (600.00€) Complete. Set of Centros de Hoja. Used.
Lot #424 | Year: 1937
Scott: 348-353, C26-7, E10-11 ($315.00) Used Centros de Hoja. Partial set.
Lot #425 | Year: 1938
Scott: 332, RA1 Used on letter to Guantanamo.
Lot #426 | Year: 1938
Scott: 333, 336 Used on registered mail to USA with postage due from US.
Lot #427 | Year: 1940
Scott: C33 ($27.50) Souvenir Sheet. Unused lightly hinged. Included is the Post Office announcement for the sheet.
Lot #428 | Year: 1940
Scott: C34-C35 ($8.00) Complete set unused lightly hinged with original gum.
Lot #429 | Year: 1940
Scott: 362 Cross Gutter pair. Unused, never hinged and with original gum.
Lot #430 | Year: 1942
Scott: RA7a ($75.00) INVERTED OVERPRINT. Used never hinged.
Lot #431 | Year: 1943
Scott: 375-379 Set in pairs. Unused never hinged with original gum.
Lot #432 | Year: 1945
Scott: C13 Used on letter to the widow of former president Gerardo Machado.
Lot #433 | Year: 1946
Scott: 369, C4 Used on First Flight from Habana to New Orleans. Sarrias 1946ff2
Lot #434 | Year: 1947
Scott: 405 ($76.00) Edifil: 389/389it Block of 20 with variety "spot on face of cow". Unused never hinged with original gum.
Lot #435 | Year: 1948
Scott: C39 ($9.50) Cancelled copy with some damage evident.
Lot #436 | Year: 1950
Scott: 449-451 ($240.00) Complete set in sheets of 70 each. MNH, OG.
Lot #437 | Year: 1951
Scott: 365a var Edifil: 454 (19.00€) Souvenir Sheet. Unused never hinged. With hole punch.
Lot #438 | Year: 1952
Scott: 475-80, C57-60, E16 ($8.05) Set used with hinge marks.
Lot #439 | Year: 1952
Scott: C61a ($18.00) Souvenir Sheet. Unused never hinged. Small fold barely noticeable.
Lot #440 | Year: 1952
Scott: C61b ($18.00) Souvenir Sheet. Unused never hinged. Small fold barely noticeable.
Lot #441 | Year: 1952
Scott: C62a ($18.00) Souvenir Sheet. Unused never hinged. Small fold barely noticeable.
Lot #442 | Year: 1952
Scott: C74 ($19.00) Unused corner block. Never hinged with original gum.
Lot #443 | Year: 1956
Scott: C136-C146 ($20.30) Used set with light hinge.
Lot #444 | Year: 1956
Scott: C136-C146 ($73.00) Set unused with light hinge and original gum.
Lot #445 | Year: 1956
Scott: C146 ($8.75) Used with hinge mark.
Lot #446 | Year: 1956
Scott: 559, C149 ($23.00) Plate blocks of four. Unused never hinged and with original gum.
Lot #447 | Year: 1956
Scott: C149a var Unused variety "no serial # on back". Never hinged.
Lot #448 | Year: 1957
Scott: 588-589 ($24.00) Complete set in blocks of four unused never hinged with original gum.
Lot #449 | Year: 1960
Scott: C211var Souvenir sheet with overprints tilted to right and up.
Lot #450 | Year: 1962
Scott: C267 ($17.50) Used never hinged.