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Lot #251 | Year: 1898
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD Receipt for arms and ammunition shipment delivered to "TAJACO REGIMENT near Holguin".
Lot #252 | Year: 1898
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Letter from Jefactura de Mis Hijos? To the regional Prefecto asking for background information on individuals in the government.
Lot #253
Years: 1898-1899 | REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Printed announcement of the end of hostilities and calling on all agriculturalists in the province of Matanzas to plant crops and rebuild the economy. Paper somewhat in poor condition.
Lot #254 | Year: 1899
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "La Asamblea de Representantes de la Revolucion Cubana" promoting a sergeant to Sub Lieutenant.
Lot #255 | Year: 1899
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "La Asamblea de Representantes de la Revolucion Cubana" awarding an individual a Prefecto status.
Lot #256 | Year: 1899
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "República de Cuba Ejercito Libertador" granting the status of "VETERANO DE LA INDEPENDENCIA DE CUBA".
Lot #257 | Year: 1899
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "Ejercito Libertador Departamento Militar de Occidente" granting a license to the Secretary of the Prefectura de Villaclara.
Lot #258 | Year: 1899
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "República de Cuba Ejercito Libertador" certifying the veteran status of an individual.
Lot #259 | Year: 1900
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "República de Cuba Ejercito Libertador - Guantanamo Regiment" certifying the veteran status of an individual.
Lot #260 | Year: 1900
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "República de Cuba Ejercito Libertador" certifying the veteran status of an individual.
Lot #261 | Year: 1902
REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. Document from the "Civil Government of Ytabo" certifying the veteran status of an individual.
Lot #262 | Year: 1898
ONE OF A KIND. SPANISH AMERICAN WAR PIGEON POST. This item was sent by carrier pigeon from USS St. Louis on July 13, 1898 to (presumably) Key West Naval Base. At that time the ship was doing sea duty of the northern coast of Cuba near Habana. It 2was opened by a communications officer at Key West via regular mail to its destination in Portsmouth Naval Yard in New Hampshire.
Lot #263 | Year: 1898
Lot #264 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 1, CUBA. SOLDIER'S MAIL to Ohio. Spanish captured canceller dated 20 July 1898 on back. Letter probably posted in Siboney where it was fumigated for yellow fever and postmarked with an oval cancel. Because of the fever outbreak, no mail was picked up from July 10 to 20th. This may explain the 20 July postmark from Santiago.
Lot #265 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Soldier's letter with the first duplex canceller with the number "1" in oval.
Lot #266 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Second duplex cancel on civilian rate letter to Venezuela.
Lot #267 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Registered letter to Switzerland. Second type of straight line registry marking and second type of crude oval which has the word "SANTIAGO".
Lot #268 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Civilian mourning envelope sent to Madrid. Overpaid by one cent it has the third and last type of registry marking used at this station.
Lot #269 | Year: 1899
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Double weight registered letter to Madrid. Third and lst type of Registry marking.
Lot #270 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Receiving mark on rear. Late usage of Spanish=h stamps under USA administration.
Lot #271 | Year: 1898
MIL.STA.NO 1. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Receiving mark on rear.
Lot #272 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No 3, GUANTANAMO. Very unusual printed matter to foreign country. Stamp cancelled with the second type of duplex canceller used after the Station had officially been transferred to civilian control.
Lot #273 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No 3, GUANTANAMO. Letter to New York via Santiago. Civilian rate. Probably carried on the steamer "Thomas Brooks" which made semi-weekly trips between Santiago and Guantanamo.
Lot #274 | Year: 1901
US MILITARY STATION No. 5 - SAN LUIS. Letter from Palma Soriano to Indian Orchard, MA via San Luis, Santiago and Springfield, MA. Domestic printed matter rate carried on the Santiago and San Luis RPO. Second type of duplex canceller from San Luis with the words "MILITARY STATIO" and "No.5" deleted. This one of the latest recorded uses of a military station postmark in Cuba.
Lot #275 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 6 - MANZANILLO. Front. Only recorded item with crude oval cancel from this station. Ex Kouri collection.
Lot #276 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 6 - MANZANILLO. Military station cancel on cut strip.
Lot #277 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 6 - MANZANILLO. Crude oval cancel on single stamp.
Lot #278 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 7 - GIBARA. Military station cancel on cut piece.
Lot #279 | Year: 1899
MIL. STA. No 8. HOLGUIN. A rare example of this Military Station cancel on piece. Very few covers recorded.
Lot #280 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Mailed November 17, 1898 this is an early use of the first type of duplex canceller from this station.
Lot #281 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Large fragment of multiple weight letter from Habana. There are five recorded examples of the crude oval used to cancel this letter from this station.
Lot #282 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Multiple weight letter from Habana to New York with horizontal bar design on duplex cancel. The only reported example of the straight-line "Military Station No.10, Habana, Cuba".
Lot #283 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Duplex cancel is the type with the numeral "10" in grid.
Lot #284 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Patriotic envelope on soldier's letter. Duplex cancel is the type with the numeral "10" in grid.
Lot #285 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Horizontal bar duplex cancel used from February 1899 to mid 1899. Letter underpaid by 3c hence the 6c postage due.
Lot #286 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Patriotic envelope on soldier's letter. Duplex cancel is the type with vertical bars.
Lot #287 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Patriotic envelope on soldier's letter. Duplex cancel is the type with vertical bars.
Lot #288 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Souvenir Spanish soldier's envelope on soldier's letter. Duplex cancel is the type with vertical bars.
Lot #289 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Souvenir Spanish soldier's envelope on soldier's letter. Duplex cancel is the type with vertical bars.
Lot #290 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 10 - HABANA. Registered letter to New York.
Lot #291 | Year: 1898
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Block of four with Cienfuegos military cancel.
Lot #292 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Unusual printed matter rate to foreign destination.
Lot #293 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Duplex cancel on letter to Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Lot #294 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Civilian cover from Los Abreus to San Francisco, CA via Cienfuegos. Abreus was a small village whose only postal route was with Cienfuegos. The Cienfuegos receiving mark on rear is the only recorded example.
Lot #295 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Only recorded straight-line registry cancel from this station. Crude oval cancel.
Lot #296 | Year: 1899
US MILITARY STATION No. 13 - CIENFUEGOS. Unused official business envelope with military station marking.
Lot #297 | Year: 1899
US MIL.STA.NO.15 - PINAR DEL RIO. Soldier's letter to Pennsylvania.
Lot #298 | Year: 1899
Scott: 222 US MIL.STA.NO.16 GUANAJAY. Soldier's. letter to USA on captured Spanish patriotic envelope. Crude oval cancel.
Lot #299 | Year: 1898
US MIL.STA.NO.27 - MATANZAS. Three examples of the duplex canceller from this station in two different colors.
Lot #300 | Year: 1898
US MIL.STA.NO.27 - MATANZAS. Unusual free franking for official use with Military station cancel.